MedTech: Successful implementation of price adaptations for portfolios by differentiation

26. November 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CET
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In times of inflation and increasing regulative efforts such as MDR, successful price adaptations are key for attractive profitability and sales. The webinar sheds light on the systematic planning, differentiated calculation and successful execution of price adaptations.

Valuable practical knowledge in 30 minutes

The following topics will be discussed in the webinar:

  • Systematic planning: Plan the price adjustment systematically to be prepared
  • Differentiated calculation: Calculate differentiated price adjustments (e.g. by product groups, market and / or customer segments)
  • Successful execution: Implement and communicate your upcoming price adjustment successfully with sound preparation and transparent success measurement / controlling

Register now for November 26th

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your team’s negotiation prowess and drive greater success in every deal.

Dr. Michael Marquardt

Dr. Michael Marquardt

+49 (0)151 108 19 497
Dr. Michael Marquardt ist Partner bei Prof. Roll & Pastuch und leitet die Bereiche Medizintechnik und Informationstechnologie. Er hat Erfahrung aus zahlreichen Marktstrategie-, Vertriebs- und Pricing-Projekten für multinationale Konzerne bis hin zu KMUs und Start-ups mit lokalen Projekten in USA, EU und Asien. Herr Dr. Marquardt publiziert regelmäßig in internationalen Fachzeitschriften zu seinen Spezialthemen und hat einen Doktortitel in Motivationspsychologie sowie einen MBA. Mehr erfahren